Workshop for regional health planning
Il workshop è stato aperto dai saluti dell’Assessore Sanità e Integrazione Socio Sanitaria Alessio D’Amato, del Capo di Gabinetto Albino Ruberti e del Segretario Generale Andrea Tardiola, cui è seguito l’intervento del Direttore della Direzione regionale Salute e Integrazione Sociosanitaria Renato Botti.
Domani, oltre quelli dei Direttori Sanitari, Amministrativi e Scientifici delle Aziende Sanitarie Regionali, è in programma l’intervento di Roberto Vaccani, docente dell’Area Organizzazione e Personale della SDA Bocconi sul tema “Personalità e ruoli apicali”.
Challenges and addresses of the health system of Lazio. This is the theme of the two-day workshop, organized by Regione Lazio in collaboration with LAZIOcrea, which takes place today and tomorrow in Santa Severa’s Castle. The initiative, which involves the directors of the Lazio Local Health Authority, aims to be an opportunity for reflection and discussion on possible scenarios for the development of the Regional Health Service, with a view to sharing strategic choices and creating profitable synergies in the service of the health system of Lazio. The workshop was opened by greetings from the Councilor for Health, Health and Social Integration, Alessio D’Amato, the Head of Gabinetto Albino Ruberti and the General Secretary Andrea Tardiola, followed by the intervention of the Director of the Regional Health and Social Security Integration Renato Botti . Tomorrow there will be the speech by Roberto Vaccani, professor of the Organization and Staff Area of SDA Bocconi on the topic “Personality and senior roles”.