The Lords of the sea

Duration:  2 h 30’

Ticket: € 160,00

Primary School | groups up to 25 participants


Understanding the meaning of the Civic Museum of the Sea as a place of collective memory and participatory education. Creating artefacts with different supports and artistic techniques, simultaneously acquiring a specific terminology.

After an introduction to the Civic Museum of the Sea and Ancient Navigation, to learn about the history of navigation in the Mediterranean Sea of ​​Etruscans, Phoenicians, Greeks, Romans and Pyrgi, the boys wiil be guided outside the structure to learn more about the history of the village and of the Castle of Santa Severa.

In a second moment, after a journey that goes to the beach, they are invited to choose the historic moment of the life of Pyrgi and Santa Severa that most struck them and to create a watercolor that somehow represents it: a panoramic image, an architectural detail, a glimpse. In the lab, through the use of materials that are naturally found on the coasts, stones, sticks, shells, sand, fragments of different materials, rather than with cartons, colored, tempera and brushes, they create the ideal frame to focus on the image created during the excursion.

For information and booking of educational activities
call 06.3996.7200

The service is available from Monday to Friday 09.00 to 13.00 and 14.00 to 17.00 | Saturday 09.00 to 14.00