Exhibition-Competition of the 2nd Biennial of Artistic High Schools in the Pyrgy Hall up to July 15th
Great success at WEGIL for the exhibition-contest on the theme “Il viaggio” (“The journey”, translator’s note) which presented 200 works by students of 150 Italian high schools. The exhibit moves now to the Santa Severa’s Castle, in the Pyrgi Hall starting from June 9th, with inauguration at 18:00, as announced by the President of Regione Lazio, Nicola Zingaretti, during the closing ceremony:
“The Biennal of Artistic High Schools is a wonderful initiative that we enthusiastically supported because it brings together two key elements for the growth of Lazio and the country in the coming years: the talent of young people and creativity.
For the Biennial – Zingaretti continued – after making available, the WEGIL – the beautiful building of rationalist architecture – recovered and reopened to the public and young people, we have rewarded the boys of “Enzo Rossi” high school of Rome with a stay in the hostel of Santa Severa, one of the symbols of the bet on beauty that we launched from Lazio.
The Castle of Santa Severa will host a part of the biennial works from June 9th to July 15th. It is an initiative in tune with the vocation we wanted to give to the Santa Severa’s Castle, a meeting and exchange place open to young people in the Mediterranean area”.
The Biennial of artistic high schools represented an “incubator” of creativity and innovation, a ‘traveling festival’, where art becomes the medium for living and spreading culture contaminated by beauty and knowledge. This year’s theme was the journey, which urged an often-inner key, the journey inside oneself, the journey of the soul, but also the reference to the Remembrance journey and the journey of migrants.
Starting from the next edition, the Biennial will be included among the initiatives of the national plan for the enhancement of excellence and the winning students will be included in the national register of excellence.
You can visit the exhibition up to July 15th and it is included in the ticket for visiting the Castle.