Giapponizzati. Racconti di un viaggio di moda

“Giapponizzati. Racconti di un viaggio di moda” ("Japanized. Stories of a fashion journey", translator's note) for the first time an important exhibition traces the influence that Japanese culture hadon Italian fashion and more. The exhibition-event, under the aegis of Regione Lazio and the President Nicola Zingaretti, LAZIOcrea and with the contribution of the Department of […]

The harmonic castle – Vivaldiana

The Sala del Nostromo of Santa Severa's Castle becomes the location of six classical music concerts by the youth orchestra Massimo Freccia. A calendar of ten events, which will make the Santa Severa's Castle a cultural space also active during the winter season with concerts, multimedia performances and conferences that will be held on the […]