Schools At The Castle: Didactic Activity Program

Do you want to introduce children to the true story of the martyrdom of Santa Severa? Or discover the dynasties and families that inhabited the village? We are waiting for you at the Castle with a visit to schools where we will tell you about the protagonists and events that have marked the medieval, renaissance, […]

Introduction to restoration

Curated by Elisabetta Bianchi Introduction to restoration course with theory and practical exercises on modern objects. Thursday at 15- 18. The course is part of the program of cultural activities organized by the Archaeological group of the Cerite territory, in collaboration with Regione Lazio, LAZIOcrea, MiBac, Santa Marinella Municipality and Coopculture.   Information and registration […]

World Radio Day

Appointment on February 8th and 9th to celebrate the World Radio Day, included in the UNESCO world calendar. On the occasion of the World Radio Day, organized in collaboration with the UNESCO CLUB for Latina, the city of Santa Marinella and the PARCO DELLA SCIENZA G.MARCONI (Torre Chiaruccia) have been included in the calendar of the […]

Conference “The Anthem of Mameli: Origin, History and Meaning”

At the Civic Museum of the sea and ancient navigation, directed by Flavio Enei, until March 15, conferences of the cultural activities program organized by the Archaeological group of the territory Cerite, in collaboration with Regione Lazio, LAZIOcrea, MiBac, Comune of Santa Marinella and Coopculture.  5.30 pm – Free admission until seats are available Saturday 9 […]

At Carnival, A Court Party. Jesters’ jokes, Ladies And Knights

Ready to celebrate the #Carnevale in the Village's walls with fun? Appointments: Saturday, February 23rd at 15 and Sunday, February 24th at 11 then replied Saturday, March 2 at 15 and Sunday, March 3 at 11. Accompanied by two operators, participants will discover the history of the ancient manor and then compete in a fun game of […]

Conference on the Salvation of the Archaeological Area in Cerveteri

At the Civic Museum of the sea and ancient navigation, directed by Flavio Enei, until March 15, conferences of the cultural activities program organized by the Archaeological group of the territory Cerite, in collaboration with Regione Lazio, LAZIOcrea, MiBac, Comune of Santa Marinella and Coopculture. 5.30 pm – Free admission until seats are available Saturday 23 February  […]

At Carnival, A Court Party. Jesters’ jokes, Ladies And Knights

 Ready to celebrate the #Carnevale in the Village's walls with fun? Appointments: Saturday, March 2 at 15 and Sunday, March 3 at 11. Accompanied by two operators, participants will discover the history of the ancient manor and then compete in a fun game of animated Chutes and Ladders, where by rolling the dice, from box to box, […]

Tango, beyond dance: Conference And Exhibition

Appointment in the Sala del Nostromo on 3 March from 3.30 pm to 5.00 pm, with free admission while seats last for a day dedicated to the famous Argentine dance. The program includes the conference "The tango beyond dance, a collective expression of a social need" by Nicola Viceconti, accompanied by the performance of the […]

HASEKURA TSUNENAGA Conference on the History of an Unusual Traveler

On March 7th at 10 am in the Nostromo Hall there will be a conference on the figure of the samurai Hasekura Tsunenaga, the first Japanese ambassador in Europe to the Holy See, who stayed in Santa Severa in the year 1615, during the Papacy of Paul V. In a historical period in which we […]

March 8th: Free Entry For Women

The Castle of Santa Severa adheres to the initiatives to celebrate the international women's day (March 8th), offering to all the women, on the day of their party, free entry to the museum complex.   March 8th: a day to remember and reflect on the social, political and economic achievements of women, on the discrimination […]