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Things, Men and Landscapes of the Ancient World

12 July 2019 @ 21:15 - 27 October 2019 @ 23:30

The usual Cycle of Scientific-Disclosure Conferences (XVIII edition) “Things, Men and Landscapes of the Ancient World” begins from July 12 to September 27, 2019 with the following program:


Friday, July 12 at 9:15 pm

Piazza della rocca

“The ships of Pisa, from the excavation to the museum”

Dr Andrea Camilli (Superintendence Archaeology, Fine Arts and Landscape for the provinces of Pisa and Livorno)


Friday, July 19 at 9:15 pm

Piazzale Delle Barrozze

“Sheep farming and oil mill tehnology in in the ancient world”

Dr. Vincenzo Allegrezza (Archeoetruria Association)


Friday 26 July at 21:15

Piazzale della rocca

“The birth of the cities-state in Etruria and the history of their territories”

Dr. Francesco di Gennaro (Archaeologist, former MiBAC executive)


Friday August 2 at 21:15

Nostromo Hall

“From myth to enhancement.”

The context, archaeological heritage and civic museums of Albano Laziale

Dr. Massimiliano Valenti (Albano Civic Museum, University of Viterbo)


Friday August 16 at 21:15

Piazzale delle barozze.

“The Aquae Caeretanae and the Romanization of the ancient ager caeretanus.”

Dr. Flavio Enei (Director of the Museum Pole of Santa Severa’s castle)


Friday August 30 at 21:15

Piazzale delle Barozze.

“The history of the Etruscans through their faces: deep looks and delicate profiles”

Dr. Francesca Ceci (Museum Capitolini of Rome)


Friday, September 6 at 9:15 PM

Piazzale delle barozze.

“Rome and coastal defense in the 3rd century BC.”

Prof. Alessandro M. Jaia (Sapienza University of Rome)


Friday, September 13 at 9:15 PM

Piazzale delle Barozze

“Recent excavations in Vulci: the hundred tombs of Pobject Mengarelli”

Dr. Carlo Casi (Scientific Director Vulci Foundation)


Friday, September 20 at 9:15 pm

Piazzale delle Barozze

“Castrum Novum: Excavation Campaign Report 2019”

Flavio Enei (S. Marinella Civic Museum), Rossella Zaccagnini (Superintendence Archaeology and Fine Arts) Klara and Michal Preusz (West Bohemia University), Magda Vuono (West Bohemia University, GATC)


Friday, September 27 at 9:15 PM

Piazzale delle Barozze

“The Palace of Tivoli: Hadrian’s Villa and Its History”

(Prof. Paolo Carafa, Dr. Fabio Cavallero (Sapienza University of Rome)


12 July 2019 @ 21:15
27 October 2019 @ 23:30